previous compound ID: 1495 next compound

biological descriptors:

CFTR relevance: unspecified

Influence on CFTR function unknown
Order of interaction unknown
subcellular compartment unknown

reference list:

ReferenceID: 53
"E Matthes" "DY Thomas" "B Kus" "JW Hanrahan" "J Liao" "J Goepp" "SD Macknight" "GW Carlile" "D Rotin" "R Robert"

chemical graph of compound 1495

CID is 2736646
synonyms found at PubChem are:
Iobenguane sulfate, MIBG, m-Iodobenzylguanidine sulfate, m-Iodobenzylguanidine, Hemisulfate, 3-Iodobenzylguanidine, Hemisulfate, 103346-16-3, 3-Iodo-Benzyl-guanidinium-sulfate, m-Iodobenzylguanidine hemisulfate salt, 2-[(3-iodophenyl)methyl]guanidine; sulfuric acid, SR-01000075167, Prestwick_801, 80663-96-3, AC1MC08D, MLS002153841, SCHEMBL9798682, CHEMBL1255738, MolPort-000-156-449, NMHJRGCKGFRFAQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N, 1-(3-iodobenzyl)guanidine sulfate, HMS1569B21, HMS2096B21, HMS2232O12, HMS3373L01, HMS3713B21, ZX-AT018249, N-(3-Iodobenzyl)guanidinium sulphate, OR6467, AKOS015910879, API0006016, CCG-220490, NCGC00180966-01, SMR001233204, RT-014115, 1-[(3-iodophenyl)methyl]guanidine; sulfuric acid, SR-01000075167-5, I14-38836, AC1MC61O, [amino(azaniumyl)methylidene]-[(3-iodophenyl)methyl]azanium sulfate